Diogenes & the Chameleon

University of Texas, Austin
Austin, TX

May 2021

Absurd was he
named Diogenes,
the man who lived in a tub.
He is known as the cynic,
but that’s just one trait
among many attached to his name.

Of course, he is not
the subject of want,
but a creature that little be known.
A chameleon
who refused to blend in;
when on grass she’d take an orange tone.

She’d lay in a tree,
As red as can be,
with no worry of harm or ill will.
She’d snatch up the flies,
despite no disguise,
or lay in the sun on a hill.

When one day our fine cynic,
came across this strange creature,
and they quickly became best of friends.
Not an hour would pass,
where they wouldn’t show sass,
not a town hall they cared to attend.

As the rest of the world,
scurried past in a daze,
not aware of their dull tone of bland.
The two liked to cause trouble,
Pop everyone’s bubble,
Pick the mountains apart into sand.

Then after many years
the chameleon dreamed,
of getting back to the grass and the trees.
Glowing white in the night,
she got up and left,
bringing tears to the eyes of Diogenes.

So, now sitting alone
bathtub as throne,
he questioned his life’s work and goals.
As they grew worlds apart,
still in his heart,
he’d always have a lizard shaped hole.
