What Kills Me Makes You Stonger

Sleep Center
New York, NY
January 2017

Still a strange coincidence I thought, and I actually paid like $35 to get a family tree for David Lewis, the guy who was shot by Jacob Maker in the military training session. It was actually fairly easy to get, because all of his information was in the stories in the newspaper, surprisingly (but remember… local news…) and within a few weeks I had a copy of it in a manila bubble wrap folder on my doorstep waiting for me when I came home one day. Turns out, and this is crazy, Brian Lewis, aka the guy who killed Jacob Maker in the 80’s, was actually the grandfather of David Lewis, the kid killed in the training session by my other friend Jacob Maker, whom I must also point out, had absolutely NO RELATION to the Jacob Maker in the 80’s, just a total happenstance that they had the same name. So let’s lay this out. Jacob Maker was killed by a guy named Brian Lewis, Brian Lewis eventually had a son Jack, and Jack had a son David, and David was in the military and just by accident was shot by a man also named Jacob Maker, who I used to play tee ball with.